About the Journal

The International Healthcare Review (online) was established in June 2022. 

eISSN: 2795-5567  ISI Impact Factor 2023: 0.9 / 2022: 0.585 (see explanation below)

Acceptance Rate (2022/2023): 59%      -     Rejection Rate (2022/2023): 38%

    Average Days for First Decision: 10 Days  - 

    Average Days for Publication Online: 40 days

Publishing Fees (NOT APPLIED DURING 2023/2024): 

           Open Access (OA) APC: 500 Euros (this is Optional as IHR is a Hybrid Journal); 

           Authors are not obliged to Publish in OA (please contact the Editorial Office for details)

Aims and Scope
The International Healthcare Review (online) is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication dedicated to providing healthcare professionals with the information they need to manage complex healthcare issues, make EVIDENCE-BASED clinical decisions and tackle related organizational challenges.

The journal covers the multidisciplinary specialized healthcare fields and publishes research aiming to disseminate evidence to explore and improve health systems and organizations management and contribute to the individual health and well-being of patients and citizens around the World, especially and including Nursing Sciences, Social Care, Public Health, Social Policy and health, Social work and health, Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences, Healthcare Diagnostics, Healthcare Management, Hospital Management and Digital Health.

IHR assumes the preference for publishing REVIEWS of all the different types :
. Rapid Reviews
. Systematic Literature Reviews
. Scoping Reviews
. Narrative Reviews
. Case Series Reviews
. Meta Synthesis Reviews
. Meta Analysis Systematic Literature Reviews
- New Technique / New Technology
. Other methodologies relevant for evidence-based practice 

IHR also considers other types of Original Research articles,  Expert Opinion and Commentaries as well as other formats, after an initial analysis of suitability by the Editor-in-Chief.

If you have doubts on whether your work fits the Editorial policy of the Journal, please contact: [email protected]

IHR publishes Online version ONLY. The online version publishes ALL articles as they are accepted and after the required follow-up Production procedures. 

IHR Online publishes several Special Collections each dedicated to a specific field of Nursing and healthcare management. Check our announcements pages to know more.

Your article may be included in one of these Special Collections or Online issues. 

IHR Online  is a hybrid publication. This means we offer both options of Open Access or Subscription. Online articles will be made available mostly under Open Access, as per authors' preferences. during the years of 2022, 2023 and 2024 the Journal published all article in Open Access.

We strictly follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on publishing ethics and Code of Conduct.WWW.PUBLICATIONETHICS.ORG
You can see the main COPE guidance here:

Ethical Guidance

We are committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific publications and related records. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors (read further here: http://publicationethics.org/files/International%20standards_authors_for%20website_11_Nov_2011.pdf)

Being published in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential part of every researcher’s career. In your best interest to you as author (and to your funder and institution) we will ensure that every article adheres to high standard including the essential principle that researchers report their work accurately so that other people can apply it in the global efforts of evidence-based healthcare.
IHR, as all major international Scientific Publishers, follows Editorial Policies set out for ethical publishing which authors should understand and follow. We also also establish ethical guidance for journal editors and peer reviewers and clearly explain our publishing and peer-review policy on our Aims & Scope page. as well as on internal documents made available to our peer reviewers and editors.
Below are the major ethical issues you should be aware of as an author. They guide you when you submit and publish your research.

Ethical standards (for Clinical Research Articles)

Even though this is not a preferred type of article for this Journal, in the case of Manuscripts of clinical studies (i.e.: case reports or other studies including patient data) submitted to IHR, these must contain a statement to the effect that all human and animal studies have been approved by the appropriate ethics committee and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.

It should also be stated clearly in the text that all individuals gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under study must be omitted. 

These two statements should be added in a separate section before the reference list. If the request for these statements is not applicable, authors should state: The manuscript does not contain clinical studies or patient data.

the IHR editorial team reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The authors will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements

Every author listed on a journal article should have made a significant contribution to the work reported. This could be in terms of research conception or design, or acquisition of data, or the analysis and interpretation of data. As an author or co-author, you share responsibility and accountability for the content of your article.
What to avoid:
Gift (guest) authorship: where someone is added to the list of authors who has not been involved in writing the paper.
Ghost authorship: where someone has been involved in writing the paper but is not included in the list of authors.


Important note: IHR may use software to screen for plagiarism

Definition of Plagiarism: “When somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment.” Please note that using your own previously published work can fall into this category if you are not careful. To avoid this problem, when citing others’ (or your own) previous work, please ensure you have:

  • Clearly marked quoted verbatim text from another source with quotation marks.
  • Attributed and referenced the source of the quotation clearly within the text and in the Reference section. 

  • Obtained permission from the original publisher and rightsholder when using previously published figures or tables.
  • If you are discussing one particular source at different points in your paper, make sure you correctly cite every instance.
  • Make sure you avoid self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is the redundant reuse of your own work, usually without proper citation. It creates repetition in the academic literature and can skew meta-analyses if you publish the same sets of data multiple times as “new” data. Therefore, if you’re discussing your own previous work, make sure you cite it.

Authors submitting articles should be aware that their paper may be submitted to software that will search for plagiarism and CrossCheck at any point during the peer-review or production process.
Any allegations of plagiarism or self-plagiarism made to a journal will be investigated by the editor-in-Chief of the journal. If the allegations appear to be founded, we will then contact all named authors of the paper and request an explanation of the overlapping material. We may ask Journal Editorial Board members to assist in further evaluation of the paper and allegations. If the explanation is not satisfactory we will reject the submission. We may also choose not accept future submissions of the authors involved.

Data fabrication / falsification
It is to expect that all data in your article is accurate, and representative of your work and research. Data sharing is common and increases the transparency of raw data. In some cases we may request that you upload raw data as a supplemental file for publication. You can check the instruction for authors to see if this is the case for the the type article  you are submitting (this may be expected especially for Clinical Reports).
Cases of data fabrication/falsification will be evaluated by the editor-in-Chief of the journal. We may then ask authors to provide supporting raw data where required. We may also ask Journal Editorial Board members to assist in further evaluation of the paper and allegations. If the explanation is not satisfactory we will reject the submission. We may also choose not accept future submissions of the authors involved.
Competing interests
We expect full transparency about any competing interests, whether sources of research funding, direct or indirect financial support, supply of equipment or materials, or other support. We don't have a policy of judging your source of funding. Any legal source of funding is legitimate. However, hiding it from the Journal and from our readers is unacceptable.
For some areas of research and types of articles, such as clinical reports, evidence of ethical approval or patient's consent may need to be provided before we can publish the article. Please check the journal’s instructions for authors for information about proof of ethics approval. this will also be reminded during your submission process.
If an author does not declare a competing interest to the journal upon submission, or during review, and it affects the actual or potential interpretation of the results, the paper may be rejected or retracted.

Before you submit, make sure you have:
• Read the journal’s instructions for authors, check and follow any instructions regarding data sets, ethics approval, or statements.
• Named all authors on the paper (Title Page file), and on the online submission form.
• Obtained (written) permission to reuse any figures, tables, and data sets.
• Only submitted the paper to one journal at a time.
• Notify all the co-authors once you have submitted the paper.
• Referenced all material in the text clearly and thoroughly.
• Carefully checked data and included any supplemental data required by the journal.
• Declared any relevant competing interests to the journal.

Indexing and Abstracting

IHR is CITED-by - CrossRef:          Crossref logo

IHR is INDEXED In SciELO                 Resultado de imagem para Scielo logo


IHR is Indexed in Google Scholar   


Articles published in IHR (online) may be AVAIALABLE in ResearchGate as a platform to promote international access to your article:


ResearchGate Link for IHR:

Click here: International Healthcare Review (researchgate.net)

Or Copy&Paste:



IHR is Indexed in ISI

Indexing and Abstracting

IHR is Indexed in ISI: International Scientific Indexing (ISI) (isindexing.com)

      ISI IMPACT FACTOR 2023: 0.9 (applied JCR criteria); ISI Impact Factor 2022: 0.5

The impact score (IS) 2023 of International Healthcare Review (online) is 0.9 which is computed in 2023 as per its definition. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of a scientific journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is based on a mixture of data extracted from Google Scholar, CrossRef and using the same methods as other scientific databases monitored by ISI including Scopus data.

Since its inception in June 2022 the International Healthcare Review (online) follows and adopts the principles of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which is a world-wide initiative designed to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. We are supporting responsible research assessment practices by rolling out a broader range of journal and article metrics publicly available, and helping authors gain deeper insights into the impact of their work.

ISI is the Journal's first assessment and i evaluated the year of 2023. Other Assessments will be undertaken in the Future and published in the Journal's website.

IHR will be under evaluation for indexation/abstracting and quality evaluation processes during 2023/2024 in:

  1. EBSCO
  2. Pubmed
  3. Scopus
  4. ASI: Advance Science Index (European Science evaluation center)
  5. DOAJ
  6. Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)   
  7. Web of Science (ESCI/SSCI/SCIE)
  8. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
  9. Google Scholar
  10. www.scimagojr.com/ CiteFactor (SCIMago)
  11. ISI (International Scientific Indexing)
  12. Index Copernicus International (IIC Journals Master List)

Results in the Reports from the above indexing/abstracting and Quality Evaluation entities will be disclosed in the Journal's website as they become available.

You may contact the editorial office for more details or updates: [email protected] 

The International Healthcare Review (online) is a Signatory of DORA

DORA is the International Declaration and Guidance for Transparent and truthful assessment of Research Impact. Its aims include the combat against the many falsified Impact Factor information disseminated by a large number of journals, including many Journals published by the leading global publishers, and their commercial abuse of the Open Access (OA) option by practicing unacceptably high prices for OA (i.e.: practiced abusive prices observed range from 3000 USD to 12000 USD per article). IHR is waiving OA costs duirng the years of 2022 and 2023.  An OA fee may be introduced from 2024 on a fair balanced Article Processing Cost.

You can check the DORA  (the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment) here: https://sfdora.org/read/ 

Currently, all articles published in IHR are already or in the process of being exported to the following Scientific Databases;









IHR Editor is a Member of:



IGSMP Interntaional 


PARTNER ASSOCIATIONS & Healthcare Research Programs

IHR is developing several partnerships with healthcare related NGO's and research programs around the World. Benefits to its members are being or have been established. If you are a member of any of the listed NGOs you can find out details from your contact person at the named association or contact the Editorial Office.

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)


The Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists (AMLI)


Medical Wellness Association and Alliance


Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)

Association for Molecular Pathology

International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO)




American Medical Women's Association


International Association of Clinical Research Nurses


International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning 
International Nusrsing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning

Case Management Society of America (CMSA)


AMEE - An international Association for Medical Education


Pan-Asian Clinical Research Association (PACRA)

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)


Oxford International Programme in Evidence-Based Health Care


Association for Healthcare Philanthropy