On School Bullying and Mental Health in Adolescence
Perpetrator, Victim, Positive Bystander and Negative Bystander. A Narrative Review
Bullying, Mental Health, Public Heath, Adolescence, Schools, Healthcare Management, Social PolicyAbstract
This article is a comprehensive narrative review on school bullying, which has been taken as a significant public health issue in relation to our children or ourselves. It increases the risk of lifelong consequences including mental disorders and social problems. Though there are existing reviews summarizing some critical parts of this topic, it is scarce of systematic examination to the fundamentals of bullying and comparisons across different bullying roles of victims, perpetrators, and in particular, positive and negative bystanders. By examining prevalence rates, types, influencing factors, consequences, correlates, preventions and mediators, this article aims to consolidate in-depth understanding of school bullying dynamics and their mental health implications. Additionally, the synthesis of both Western and Chinese studies offers a cross-cultural perspective. Finally, this review also provides suggestions on future research direction, emphasizing the need for attention to negative bystanders and targeted and culturally sensitive prevention strategies.
Main Contribution to Evidence-Based Practice
The main contribution of this study is the provision of evidence-based insights and knowledge that equip stakeholders in the healthcare sector with a holistic view of the bullying phenomena, especially affecting adolescents in the school environment. It allows for informed decision-making, the formulation of effective policies, and the advancement of prevention of bullying and mental health challenges to benefit adolescents at schools across the World.
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